2021 AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award program (Research Grant)
Deadline: March 7, 2021.
The AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award program is a global competitive research program jointly launched by the Global Development Network (GDN) and the French Development Agency (AFD). This award program targets researchers based in developing countries. It aims to identify and support productive multidisciplinary engagements on
biodiversity mainstreaming, including across different countries, and to boost the use and quality of evidence in public policies debates and corporate practices.
- The call is open to teams of researchers belonging to a university or any other research oriented organizations based in developing countries. Proposals from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Guinea, Guyana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Republic of Congo, Sénégal, Tunisia, Uganda, and Vietnam are particularly welcome, and will be given preference in cases of parity in quality.
- A maximum of 3 researchers, including the principal investigator, are allowed in each team.
3. Applicants should clearly mention if this proposal is receiving or will receive funds from other sources. Co-funding is encouraged, but it should be clearly explained how the additional funds provided by the grant would reinforce and complement the existing funds for successful completion of the project
- GDN intends to assign competitively 4 individual research grants, each up to a maximum of USD 40,000 for a 24-months project starting in July 2021, and 2 additional multidisciplinary research grants of up to USD 15,000, to be implemented in parallel.
- Beyond funding, GDN will support the projects with tailored opportunities for mentoring, peer-review and networking, including through interactions with a Scientific Committee that will oversee the program and support quality control
Eligible applicants must submit through the dedicated online platform the following documents as part of the application package. The deadline for submission is March 7th, 2021
A. An expression of interests (up to 8 page) that includes:
a. the justification of the research in terms of the existing literature globally, but also a justification in terms of the local policy challenges the research aims to inform;
b. a list and a summary of early interactions with demand-side actors (policy community, including civil society and media), and a preliminary mapping of key counterparts the team wishes to engage in the research;
c. a draft research question;
d. a draft methodology, with an indication of the disciplinary tradition of
e. a working hypothesis;
f. a short description of the empirical data / field work that will be involved, a justification of why the specific field situation is relevant for the research
question, and of the main challenges concerning field access or data access. .
Researchers are requested to flag if the field work falls in one of the ‘red’ of
‘orange’ areas as per the mapping done by the French Ministry of External
Affairs, accessible at https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-auxvoyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/. Fieldwork in ‘red’ areas will be strictly not authorized.
g. a justification of why the question proposed would benefit from the
contributions of other disciplines and potential academic partners, working in different disciplines, identified by the PI (if any).
B. CVs and publication lists for the PI and other team members.
C. A 2-page description of track record including a narrative explanation of the link between the submitted EoI and past work of each researcher involved.
D. A support letter from the Institution of primary affiliation of the eligible local researcher, stating the scope and extent of support available to the project (in kind/matching contribution)
OFFICIAL LINK: http://www.gdn.int/sites/default/files/u115/Call%20for%20Proposals.pdf