2021 ACT Foundation Grant for Non-Profit Organizations and Social Enterprises
Deadline: November 30, 2020.
At ACT Foundation, they have adopted a responsive approach to grant making. By funding focused-interventions, they work across a broad spectrum of developmental issues clustered within our focus areas (link focus areas tab).
They believe that grant making is a critical tool in engineering social change, and even more they are inspired by the long and short term partnerships we make. Their strength lies in the partnerships they create and sustain through funding for programs and activities that have great potential of altering the downward trajectory of development on the African continent. Their mission to drive sustainable impact across Africa pushes us beyond boundaries; and as such we always strive to do more.
• If you are a Nigerian organization applying for this grant, the organization must be registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission for a least TWO years (24 months).
• If you are an organization within Africa, applying for this grant, your organization should be registered with the appropriate legal entity within your respective countries for not less than TWO years (24 months).
• Must be legally registered as a nonprofit organization.(GTE/LTD). However, if you are applying as a social enterprise, the Foundation will only fund initiatives that are not for profit.
• ACT Foundation will not fund any nonprofit whose official bank account name is different from the name of the organization.
• It is required that you show a strong governance structure. Kindly note that the details of the board of directors should reflect in the company’s registration documents. If not, please update.
• You will be required to show evidence of other sources of funding.
• You be required to show audited financial report of no longer than two years before the application to receive funds.
• Organization must show track record of past projects and work done within the ACT Foundation focus area of Health, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Environment.
• Proposed projects/programs must have a maximum life cycle of 12 months i.e. it must be executed and completed within 6 to 12 months.
• The organization applying is required to have a minimum staff strength of 3 part time/full time paid Individuals.
• The organization is required to be open to an independent audit of the disbursed grants by the Foundation.
• Be a non-profit/non-governmental organization registered under the relevant Laws of the country where it is implementing;
• Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project, i.e. not acting as an intermediary;
• Program/Initiative must be implemented in within Africa;
• Program must be innovative and impact driven