2020 Romanian Government Scholarship Program for International Students
Deadline: March 16, 2020.
The scholarship program offered by the Romanian state, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to foreign citizens, based on H.G. 288/1993, for the academic year 2020 – 2021, was launched. The scholarships are offered to foreign citizens from countries that are not members of the European Union, for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
Total of 85 scholarships for under- and post-graduate studies in Romania, by means of selection of application files, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Ministry of Education and Research (hereafter, MER), in keeping with Romanian current legislation
1) Foreign citizens coming from all the states of the world, except for EU member states. Foreign citizens of Romanian origin and those belonging to the neighbouring historic Romanian communities benefit from other scholarship programs.
2) The applicant for the scholarship must not hold Romanian citizenship, did not request or did not obtain a form of protection in Romania, is not a stateless person whose residence on Romanian territory is officially recognized according to the law, is not a member of the diplomatic corps accredited to Bucharest or member of family of the diplomatic corps accredited in Romania, has not benefited from a scholarship from the Romanian state on the same course of study.
3) The applicant for the scholarship must present study papers issued by accredited / recognized educational institutions, have good results in education, respectively an average of the study years of at least 7 (seven) corresponding to the scoring system in Romania or the “Good” score, as the case.
4) The applicant for the scholarship is not, until 31 December of the year in which he / she was nominated, more than 35 years of age – for bachelor and master studies and 45 years respectively – for doctoral studies or for postgraduate studies
a) exemption from the payment of registration fees, processing of the file, for testing the Romanian language skills, for supporting the contest for admission to the doctorate and for the specific aptitude tests
b) financing the tuition expenses for the preparatory year of the Romanian language
c) financing the tuition costs for the actual studies, but not more than the duration of a university cycle, corresponding to the study program followed
d) granting a monthly scholarship, for the students enrolled in the preparatory year of the Romanian language
e) granting a monthly scholarship, for students enrolled in undergraduate, master, doctoral studies, respectively in post-university education, including in the health field, but no longer than the duration of a school / university cycle
f) financing the accommodation expenses in the student dormitories, through the MER budget, within the limit of the allocated grant
g) medical assistance in case of medical-surgical emergencies and diseases with potential endemoepidemic, in accordance with the national legislation in force
h) local, surface, naval and underground transport, as well as internal car, rail and naval transport, under the same conditions as Romanian students, according to the legal provisions.
The application file must contain the following documents:
1. Official letter issued by the diplomatic mission of the country of origin accredited to Bucharest or the diplomatic mission of Romania in the country of origin or residence
2. The MFA application form (APPENDIX 1) for a scholarship in Romania, filled in correctly
3. The MER application form (APPENDIX 2) for the issue of the Letter of acceptance to study in Romania
4. Legalized copies of the obtained study diplomas (baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent + bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees, if any) and their legalized translation into one of the following languages: English, French or Romanian, if required
5. Legalized copies of matriculation sheets / diploma supplements related to graduate studies and their legalized translation, if applicable
6. Legalized copy of the birth certificate and certified translation in one of the following languages: English, French or Romanian
.7. Copy of the first 3 pages of the passport
8. The medical certificate attesting to the fact that the person enrolling in the study does not have contagious diseases or other conditions incompatible with the required studies
9. Curriculum Vitae of the applicant
10. Recent photos – 2 pieces, passport format.
Application files must be submitted through diplomatic missions. Application files submitted by post or directly to the MFA or to the MER, as well as application files received after the announced deadline will NOT be taken into consideration.