2020 Alpine Fellowship Academic Writing Prize

Deadline: April 1, 2020.

Awarded for the best piece of academic essay writing on the theme of the 2020 Alpine Fellowship: Forgiveness and Retribution.


1. Open to all nationalities, aged 18 and above.

2. A maximum of 4000 words per entry. Academic writing is to be construed broadly, by way of contrast with creative writing, as writing that

a) advances and defends an argument on the question and/or that

b) makes a systematic and appreciable contribution to knowledge in academic disciplines, concerning the topic of the symposium.

3. Work from different disciplinary (or interdisciplinary) approaches including, but not limited to, philosophy, history, sociology, literary studies, political theory, biology, anthropology, and psychology will be considered.

4. A prime consideration will be the ability of the piece to speak in an engaging way to a general intellectual audience.


1. The winner and two runners up are invited to attend the symposium.

2. Winner receives £3,000 cash prize and is invited to attend the symposium.

3. Runners-up are invited to attend the symposium and offered reimbursement of travel expenses up to £500.



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