2019 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ghana Waste’ Recovery Innovation Challenge
Deadline: March 1, 2019.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) wishes to announce a call for concept notes from the private sector for the 1st edition of its ‘Waste’ Recovery Innovation Challenge (WRIC). The Challenge aims to provide technical and financial support (max. $40,000 each) to business ideas that will promote and/or test innovative solutions for the recovery of waste materials and their transformation into other essential products/services. The business should be innovative; have a good management structure; have the possibility of making profit in the short, medium and long term; create employment and other income generation opportunities especially for women and youth; and should lead to/contribute to bringing a lasting solution to a waste management challenge in a specific area/community or region.
The WRIC is under the ‘Waste’ Recovery Platform, which aims to connect key stakeholders along the waste management value chain with data and technological solutions for waste recovery. This is expected to:
- facilitate more cost-effective and transparent access to ready data for evidenced-based planning on waste and sanitation management;
- enhance access to knowledge on best available technologies on waste recovery;
- make it easier to find/link solution providers and off-takers;
- stimulate research and innovation on waste recovery;
- create an online market place for waste resource exchange; and
- build capacity of key personnel (local government, private sector, NGOs and Academia) to enhance waste and sanitation management particularly at the decentralized level.
Call Related Documents
- Application Form
- Concept Note Document / Guideline
- For further information or if interested in joining this process, please contact joel.darkwah@undp.org