2019 Rhodes University Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Deadline: July 31, 2019.
The University Council has established several Rhodes University Postdoctoral Research Fellowships across all faculties which may be awarded for one year with the possibility of renewal.
The Fellowships are intended to foster existing research and scholarly or creative activities within Rhodes University departments and institutes. Ideally a Fellow’s proposed work will closely complement existing programmes in the host department.
- Although there is no age restriction, potential Fellows must hold a doctoral degree, awarded within the last five years, preferably from an institution other than Rhodes University and recognized as appropriate to the discipline for which the Fellowship is sought. Successful candidates must be of exceptional merit as evidenced by the quality and corpus of publications or other recognized forms of achievement relevant to the Fellow’s discipline. The Fellowship will be awarded strictly on merit.
- An applicant who has not completed his/her PhD at the time the Fellowship is offered must have submitted the PhD thesis by the end of 2019. In these circumstances the Research Office will require written assurance from the applicant’s supervisor that there is a reasonable expectation that the doctoral degree will be awarded.
- Applications should be made through Heads of Departments or Directors of Research Institutes.?
Each Fellowship is a package of R180 000 per annum with an additional allocation of a maximum of R20 000 to be used to support the presentation of papers at formal conferences. The Fellowship cannot be held concurrently with any supplementary funding.
1. Applications for the Fellowships should be made through the potential host department and then directed to the Research Office (research-admin@ru.ac.za).
2. The determination of awards will be made by a committee comprising the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Development (Chair), the Director: Research Office and Faculty Deans.