2019 Mekong Cultural Hub and British Council SEAΔ Program
Deadline: July 14, 2019.
SEAΔ is a program co-created by Mekong Cultural Hub and British Council which creates space for cultural practitioners to reflect on how their work in arts and culture can contribute to sustainable development within South East Asia through their individual and collective leadership.
Each year we will select 10 Fellows from 10 countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.
To be eligible to apply to SEAΔ you must be a citizen of one of the eligible countries, resident in that same country for the majority of the year, and fit the profile below:
- Committed to a career in arts and culture (with at least 5-10 years existing experience in the sector)
- Are already engaging with social and development issues through your work in the arts and culture
- Are active and engaged in the arts sector in your home country
- Have led other people to realise projects or programs in your home country (this can be informal)
- Have some experience of working with regional peers/partners (whether at home or in another country)
- Be able to communicate comfortably in English (speaking and listening essential, and basic reading and writing for email communication needed) which will be the shared language of the program
Applicants from Taiwan must also:
- Have an existing connection to South East Asia culture sector, and a clear desire and intention to grow their collaborations with South East Asia
- Be culturally sensitive and able to blend into the cultural context of the program and the region
UK applicants must meet eligibility criteria 1-6 above, and also:
- Be resident in the UK as defined by HMRC (see http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/international/residence.htm#5) and have a strong, current connection to South East Asia which will enable to sustain networks after the program finished and have a clear intention to grow their collaborations within South East Asia.
- Culturally sensitive to the cultural context of the program and the region
The program is an opportunity develop yourself, to develop and work with others, and to make an impact on society:
1. Skills and personal development: presentation skills, advocacy & influencing skills, entrepreneurial thinking, individual personal development plan and dialogue and development from mentors & inspiring speakers from different sectors
2. Partnership development: new professional and personal networks through collaborative working, regional travel and peer mentoring
3. Knowledge and values: Exposure to the diverse histories, social, economic and cultural context of SEA through travel to four Asian countries during the one-year program and a deeper understanding of the unique role that arts & culture can play in the South East Asia’s sustainable development.
If you feel you fit the criteria and want to apply, please prepare:
- Completely filled application form
- CV with time/period description of professional experiences of arts and culture
SEAΔ Brochure, Application Form and Personal Statement Form can be found at: https://mekongculturalhub.org/portfolio/sead-program/