2019 Jamal Khashoggi – Award for Courageous Journalism
Deadline: January 15, 2019.
Threats, attacks, government oppression, a stubborn glass ceiling, accusations of fake news and a growing mistrust of the media all threaten press freedom around the world. Journalists often feel the greatest brunt of these attacks. In fact, at least 49 journalists have been killed for their work so far in 2018. Our Jamal Khashoggi Award (“JKA”) for Courageous Journalism shows people that journalists are not going to step aside, cannot be silenced, and deserve to be recognized for their strength in the face of adversity. The Award honors the brave journalists who expose abuse of power and corruption, share difficult truths, discuss taboo topics, and work in hostile environments. The JKA also recognize the pioneers who knocked down barriers to make it possible for people all over the world to find their voices and make themselves heard. For true Democracy to work, there must be a Free Press and we ask for your support. Our “call for Awards” is now open for all journalists globally.
1. The grant is intended for journalists and writers who are working on investigative projects related to human rights violations, women’s rights, human and sex trafficking, corruption and abuse of power, and climate change impact.
2. Freelance or permanently employed individual journalists, or small teams of journalists can apply.
3. Applicants must be published journalists with at least 2 years professional experience and a track record of prior publications.
4. Applicants with no experience may be considered.
5. Journalists who are not older than 35 years and who live and work as journalists are eligible to participate until the 15th January 2019.
The Jamal Khashoggi Awardgrants by Inti Raymi Fund willsupport five investigative journalistic projects with a maximum amount of 5000 U.S. dollars each; to cover out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, document collection, and equipment rental. ($2,500 upfront and $2,500 upon completion and publishing of the story).
- Short Biography (In 200 words or less)
- Why do you think you are the right person to receive the “Jamal Khashoggi Award for courageous journalism? (In 200 words or less)
- Title of your investigation
- Summary (In 500 words or less, summarize your proposed investigation).
- Grant Proposal (Your grant proposal should explain the question your investigation seeks to answer, why you consider the project to be investigative in nature, what is new – especially if the topic has received some coverage – your reporting plan and potential impact. Be as specific as possible). Do not exceed 1000 words.
- Budget (Your estimated budget should itemize expenses of reporting such as travel, document fees, equipment rentals, and small stipends). Identify other sources of funding (if applicable).
- Work Sample (Name three published pieces that you are particularly proud of). Links with a brief description are sufficient.
- References (Enter names, affiliations, and contact information for two references at least.) Do not submit reference letters.
- Publisher, Outlet (Optional) (What is the publisher or outlet pledges its commitment to publish your investigation?). If applicable now.
- Has the applicant received any grants or awards in the last 5 years? Tell us more. Do not exceed 200 words
- Anticipated start and completion date. Ongoing investigation projects are accepted.
- How did you hear about JKA?
Please send your answers in English, as well as your curriculum vitae (CV) in tabular form in a single PDF document attached to an e-mail to jka@intiraymifund.org. Deadline is January 15th, 2019.