2019 International Photo Contest on Greener Healthcare Waste Management

Deadline: July 15, 2019.

Professional and amateur photographers from all over the world are invited to take part in the International Photo Contest on greener healthcare waste management, which will be held from April 30 to July 15, 2019. Participation of healthcare, environmental health workers, women and youth from developing countries is particularly welcomed.



1. “Healthcare Waste Management for People and Planet”;

    •  Two finalists will be awarded on this category.
    •  There will also be additional special nomination awards for photos depicting positive images for the following special categories (one for each):
      •    “Alternatives to healthcare waste burning/incineration”;
      •   “Mercury-free healthcare”;
      •   “HCWM for better infection prevention”;
      •   “Women and HCWM”.
    •  Special nominations will be selected among photos submitted in Category 1.

2. “Greener healthcare I want to see in the future”;

  •  Two finalists will be awarded on this category.


1. The International Photo Contest is for professional and amateur photographers from all over the world.

2. Participation of healthcare workers, environmental health workers and especially women and youth from developing countries is particularly welcomed.



1. In total, 8 prizes of $400 vouchers/cheques (or whatever is applicable).

2. Appreciation certificates for the best 30 photos.




Click here to apply

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