2019 Alpbach scholarship programme to attend the European Forum Alpbach
Deadline: March 29, 2019.
Liberty and Security is the general topic of the European Alpbach Forum 2019. The bouncing back of liberalism post 1945 in Western and post 1989 in Eastern Europe led many to believe that liberal democracy and market economy had become the only game in town. And that on the wings of globalisation it would pervade the whole world. But this is not the case. Who or what is the midwife of current new waves of political illiberalism, economic protectionism and the obsession with security, often at the detriment of liberty? When and why did we give up on striking a fair balance between liberty and security?
The Forum not only aims at analysing current developments, causes and driving forces, but also at delivering new perspectives and orientations. It also pays tribute to Karl Popper as a regular guest and to his constant plea for the open society in the aftermath of the great catastrophe of the 20th century, i.e. totalitarianism, the Shoah and WW II. Thus, the Forum will give equal attention to pertinent topics from a philosophical, political, socio-economic, ecological and cultural perspective.
1. The grant to participate in the Seminar Week and the Alpbach Symposia is available to international applicants up to the age of 30.
2. They welcome applications from all countries and academic disciplines. Artists and non-graduates are strongly encouraged to apply.
3. There are special application procedures for Austrian, Chinese and Taiwanese nationals. If you hold one of these passports, you cannot apply through the European Forum Alpbach Foundation. See “Where to apply” for more information.
4. Former Alpbach scholarship holders are invited to return to the European Forum Alpbach as Seminar Assistants or Alpbach Buddies.
1. A basic scholarship covers the participation fee (EUR 1.400) for the whole duration of the event (14.08.-30.08.2019).
2. Should you not have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your stay, you can additionallyapply for a residence scholarship which covers the accommodation (EUR 30 per day) or a full scholarship providing accommodation (EUR 30 per day) and daily allowances for food (EUR 17 per day).
3. Please indicate in your online application under the point “subsidy” if you would like to apply for a full scholarship or a residence scholarship. In order to do so, you need to explain your financial situation in writing and upload a supporting document, e.g. a student grant. If you do not have such proof, a written statement is sufficient.
4. Please note that due to the high number of applications full scholarships are provided upon availability and upon needs assessment by the selection committee.
You need to apply for a scholarship awarded by the European Forum Alpbach Foundation via our scholarship application platform. Everything that needs to be included in your application is listed in the section “Required documents”. Please read these requirements carefully in order to make sure to submit a complete application.