2019 AIMS-NEI Big Data for Development Innovation Challenge
Deadline: August 21, 2019.
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI), in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), is launching the Big Data for Development (BD4D) Innovation Challenge. The BD4D Innovation Challenge aims to support emerging young African data scientists to develop innovative solutions that leverage new and non-traditional sources of data to address development challenges.
Challenge Winners will be selected and awarded for the following categories:
- Best BD4D-IC solution: Up to $10,000
- Most Innovative BD4D-IC solution: Up to $10,000
- Seed funding grants of up to USD 10,000
- Mentorship support
- Public recognition and opportunity to network
- AIMS-NEI will extend an invitation to the winning solutions to explore ways to collaborate in validating, implementing or scaling the project’s reach.
- All winning projects will be recognized through public communications from the AIMS-NEI, IDRC and the World Bank Group and may be mentioned as part of a high-profile international event where the BD4D network will participate.